iNEST - IDCUBE’s Cloud Access Control Platform

Cloud technology empowers companies to deliver computing resources and services over the internet. Some of the most popular cloud services include:

  • Computing as a service
  • Cloud storage
  • Real-time databases and cloud data stores
  • Hosted-networking
  • Software
  • Platform
  • Business intelligence and analytics

Through these cloud services, you can offload secondary concerns of your business to another company, and focus on what drives your business forward. In addition to reduced management overhead, you are looking at lower maintenance and running costs, by relying on a cloud-based solution for your IT infrastructure. This is why the best companies around the globe have switched over to cloud-based software systems, infrastructures, and business solutions.

The Advantages of a Cloud-Bases Access Control System

All of these benefits are available in a cloud-based access control system as well. In addition to availability and lower maintenance costs, you get:

  • Remote monitoring and controlling capabilities
  • Remove employees and visitors from the access control network
  • Revoke, assign and change authentication and access rights for visitors and employees

With a cloud-based solution, you can ensure that your physical security and access control system is always available and is cheaper to maintain than hosting your own IT infrastructure. In addition to the lower cost of physical hardware, you will require fewer on-site personnel to manage, troubleshoot, and maintain your infrastructure. Overall, a cloud-based access control solution overcomes the following disadvantages of a traditional one:

  • High maintenance costs due to IT hardware infrastructure and IT personnel
  • Limited accessibility and availability
  • Higher risk of failure

Therefore, companies around the globe have switched over to a more feasible, sustainable, and maintainable cloud-based access control system.


This brings us to our offering of a completely cloud-based access control system for reliable security and high availability – IDCUBE iNEST.

The IDCUBE iNEST application offers a flexible and robust access control platform with a defining feature – its multi-access point. That is, you can control access in different locations from a single interface, thereby solving the problem of a centralized access management system.

Why should you choose IDCUBE’s iNEST?

Here’s why IDCUBE’s iNEST should be your next access control solution –

Say Goodbye to an Expensive IT Infrastructure and Dedicated IT Personnel

Do away with the need for a complex IT infrastructure and IT personnel – offload all work to IDCUBE iNEST and rely on our highly available access control service.

Better Data Security, Reliability and Availability

Once your data is available on the cloud, you can access it from anywhere, anytime. More importantly, the information is more secure than it would have been should you have kept it on-premises.

Remote Configurability

Through IDCUBE’s iNEST system, you can control access for users, employees, and visitors remotely, through a mobile application at any time. Additionally, you can geo-tag specific users and staff to track requests and monitor working hours.

Cheaper to Maintain and Sustain

Through our cloud-based IDCUBE iNEST solution, you don’t have to scrounge up money for expensive IT hardware and infrastructure. Additionally, you won’t have to invest in the hardware and software requirements that come with a high-availability access control platform. Through our cloud-based services, pay for what you need, and pay-as-you-go, without taking on the trouble of hosting your complete access control solution.


As your business grows, IDCUBE iNEST grows with it, without limiting access control scopes or functionality. Moreover, you won’t have to worry about the additional infrastructure required to scale an access control platform – leave everything to IDZONE.

Other features of iNEST:

Single user invites
Group Invite
Leave requests and management
Remote request authorization
Visitor and employee details
Remotely open, close, and lock doors
Access and confer pending on-duty requests
Manage secure parking

Product Brochure

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