Aperture - Video Management System in Saudi Arabia

Aperture in Saudi Arabia is an open-architecture video management solution with advanced video analytics and number plate recognition capabilities. IDZONE’s Video Management System in Saudi Arabia with Integrated Analytics and Number Plate Recognition.

Aperture is an open-architecture video management solution with advanced video analytics and number plate recognition capabilities. We’ve specifically designed it to meet all the feature requirements from corporate and residential users.

Main Features of Aperture –

  • Face Recognition and Analysis
  • Automatic Number Plate and License Plate Recognition
  • Analytics through Advanced Video Content Analysis
  • Map alarms to certain events and actions
  • Stream video feeds from over 5000+ camera models and 90+ manufacturers into the Aperture analytics tool
  • Easily view the live feed through a video wall
  • Store a replicable archive of video footage
  • Edge recording
  • Failover
  • Watchdog
  • Advanced health monitoring

To put the cherry on top, Aperture integrates with IDCUBE Access360 through a simple and well-documented HTTP API. Moreover, it comes with its own SDK thereby allowing your team to work and customize it further to meet your business requirements.

IDCUBE Access360 – Access Control Software Suite Incorporates

Product Brochure

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