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IDZONE في وضع فريد لتقديم أكثر حلول الأمان المادي وإدارة الهوية لمنصة مفتوحة شاملة.

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iNest vs other Attendance Systems

iNest vs other Attendance Systems

iNest is an all-in-one, cloud-based access control solution, designed to meet the requirements of a versatile access control platform. The iNest application offers the freedom and flexibility of managing multiple access points, particularly in the case of multinational, multi-tenant, and multi-location organizations, where centralized access management often proves to be a daunting task.

How this solution further simplifies workflow?
1. Invite & Approve Visitors
2. Mobile Credentials
3. Mark Attendance
4. Remotely Unlock Doors
5. GPS Tracking
6. Leave Management

The iNest is a smart mobility application that encapsulates mobile credentials for easy and secure access control.

To learn about the complete iNest Solution and Access360, get in touch with IDZONE today !

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