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IDZONE في وضع فريد لتقديم أكثر حلول الأمان المادي وإدارة الهوية لمنصة مفتوحة شاملة.

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IDZONE is a leading distributor in Saudi Arabia that offer wide range of Suprema’s access control solution like Biometrics Readers, RF/Mobile Readers and many more.

Access Control is a basic security element that is unquestionably required in all areas. It is widely used at every premise that has a need for physical security be it residential, educational or commercial spaces. Suprema offers world’s best access control solution that is biometrics-based system, providing thorough security than the access control solutions that use RF card only. It is the most supreme solution equipped with all features that a user for real-time monitoring.

IDZONE is a leading distributor in Saudi Arabia that offer wide range of Suprema’s access control solution like Biometrics Readers, RF/Mobile Readers and many more.

Suprema Readers