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IDCUBE welCOM – Contractor Onboarding and Management Solution

IDCUBE welCOM is an additional module compatible with IDCUBE Access360 suite that allows you to easily incorporate contractor on-boarding and management into your access control suite. Thereby, your compliance and HR team can quickly onboard new contractors, ensure you always have someone to get work done, and evaluate contractors based on performance and their adherence to safety protocols.

Get rid of every pain associated with hiring contractors in the short-term for critical infrastructure work in airports, manufacturing sites, construction sites, oil, and gas deployment jobs. Regardless of the role and responsibility of the contractor, you can onboard them quickly into your workforce and manage them through IDCUBE welCOM. Moreover, through IDCUBE welCOM, you can track performance and ensure that all contractors follow the same set of safety and security protocols as the rest of your organization.  Finally, you can keep a long-term profile of a specific contractor when considering repeat hires for the future. Overall, use IDCUBE welCOM to ease the pain of security and personnel management of your HR and compliance team.

IDCUBE welCOM comes with bio authentication tools and features that integrate well with existing physical security features. Moreover, the same bio authentication process can be used to track enrolment, issue passes, and grant control rights to specific areas within your organization or facility.

For a complete security and onboarding solution, look no further than IDCUBE’S welCOM

IDCUBE welCOM Architecture

Features of IDCUBE welCOM

فيما يلي بعض الميزات الرئيسية

قبل ضم المقاولين

سهولة تحميل وتخزين المستندات المطلوبة من قبل الموارد البشرية والامتثال

قم بإجراء دورات تدريبية حول السلامة عبر الإنترنت وتقييم المقاولين

الاحتفاظ بتاريخ ما قبل العمل وفحص الخلفية لمقاولين معينين

إدارة واعتماد ملفات تعريف المقاول

إصدار تصاريح ويسجل المصادقة البيومترية

بعد تأهيل المقاولين

تتبع إصابات المقاول والعمل بجودة منخفضة

التحدي ضد موظفي الامتثال

تحقق من ملفات المقاول

تبسيط تتبع وتقييم مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية

تعليق المقاولين غير الممتثلين وإلغاء الحقوق

كتيب المنتج

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